• Article
  • Mar.31.2020

Add a price quote calculator to your sales proposals - Elements Spreadsheet

  • Mar.31.2020
  • Reading time mins

If your Sales team is using Confluence, you know how much it simplifies collaborating and reduces back and forth emailing between pre-sales consultants, marketing managers, or your service delivery department. You probably have created some Confluence templates to standardize pages like pre-sales analysis or proposals, and you might have tried using Confluence macros to display boilerplate copy or automatically create a document summary.  But what about that price quote calculator in Excel you use as part of the proposal writing process? How can two people collaborate on the price quote or easily change the calculations for the sales proposal? By integrating advanced tables on your Confluence page, Elements Spreadsheet helps you do all the calculations and quote preparation work you need to do, without the hassle of external files.

Create a sales proposal with Elements Spreadsheet as a quote calculator

Using Confluence templates to standardize proposal writing has lots of advantages: you can reuse standard content with excerpt macros, include instructions so colleagues understand what should be personalized, and review and revise details with Confluence comments and notifications. Once your page is created, it’s easy to add an Elements Spreadsheet just like other macros.


Import your pricing matrix from Excel into Confluence

Already have a pricing matrix for creating quotes in Excel? You can import an Excel file right on to your Confluence page and skip recreating everything from scratch. Have colleagues or partners who aren’t using Confluence? You can export the Elements Spreadsheet file back to Excel to share outside of Confluence.


Use drop-down lists and formulas to create a price quote calculator

The latest features released with Elements spreadsheet, including drop-down lists, make it even easier to configure a price quote calculator. By limiting options with drop-down lists, you can standardize the data entered in your spreadsheet, and then use formulas to calculate the final quote price.


Using drop-down lists in Spreadsheet to save time and control options


Fetching product price from another sheet to complete quote calculation


In this example, the product selections are made from a drop-down list, and a Vlookup formula fetches the price from another sheet.

Ready to export to PDF? Here’s how the Elements Spreadsheet looks with the rest of the proposal and the custom colors to match the company’s brand.



Elements Spreadsheet Sales Proposal export to PDF with pricing calculator

Improve your proposal writing process

Avoid the headaches of trying to coordinate quote calculation in Excel while the rest of your proposal writing process is managed in Confluence. By integrating Elements Spreadsheet into your proposal prepared in Confluence, your team can collaborate within the same tool and finish the process with a polished proposal.


Want to know more about Elements Spreadsheet for Confluence, watch their video now:

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