Cloud migration tips Cloud migration tips
  • Article
  • Apr.5.2023

Why You Need to Migrate Now Before It’s Too Late

  • Apr.5.2023
  • Reading time mins

Support for Atlassian Server products is coming to an end in February 2024. This means organizations running on-premise versions of those products only have a few months to migrate to Atlassian Cloud before the risks of remaining on the server escalate.

Failure to do so can lead to those businesses losing their competitive edge. Cloud versions have more inclusive features and regular release cycles bringing new functionality on stream. The cloud is crucial to the modern business environment, and those who can’t keep up by providing teams with the latest tools often find themselves relegated to low-growth markets at best or becoming obsolete at worst.

Furthermore, sticking to older solutions means that your IT teams are less productive at a time when IT is a crucial function for enabling strategic growth and change. Don’t waste valuable time and resources to keep the lights on.

With the end-of-life deadline closing in, organizations must start taking action to define their migration strategies and to budget and plan accordingly. Let’s explore how assistance from an Atlassian Solution Partner like Valiantys can help with this complicated process in a limited amount of time.

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No Time Like the Present to Make Your Cloud Migration

Cloud migration is a multi-stage process, including defining an effective strategy, implementing various technical project tasks, and training the team. The entire process can take upwards of 9 months from start to finish. With less than a year to make the switch, you may feel compelled to rush through your organization’s migration without time for proper planning and execution. If the licenses for your existing server-based products are set to expire in the coming months, there’s all the more reason to act now.

Fortunately, there’s a better way to meet the end-of-life deadline or the expiry dates for your existing licenses. An Atlassian Solution Partner like Valiantys can help your organization with every step of the migration process and ensure you continue to benefit after implementation.

A Solution Partner evaluates your source environment and works with you to create, test, and implement a migration strategy. Partners come with knowledge and experience that your own team is unlikely to have.

As a Solution Partner, Valiantys has assisted both large and small organizations with migration over several years and invests in keeping our detailed knowledge of Atlassian Cloud products current. We have proven expertise in determining the tools that best meet your organization’s needs and in planning to ensure the successful adoption of new services.

We can help you identify and address potential issues with your solution during the migration process. This reduces time spent on troubleshooting them yourself. Training your team on using their new tools can be part of the service before and after migration.

When consulting with a Solution Partner like Valiantys, your organization works smarter, not harder. You can execute every step of the migration process diligently while keeping to a tight schedule.


With the end-of-life deadline coming in February 2024, organizations must begin migrating to the Atlassian Cloud sooner rather than later. Sticking to on-premise Atlassian products will create unnecessary limitations for your company and employees.

Working with an Atlassian Solution Partner like Valiantys will secure a timely and efficient cloud migration and ensure your business makes best use of the new inclusive features of Cloud versions. Valiantys acts as a trusted partner and  valuable resource in strategizing, implementation, training, and ongoing support for businesses seeking to take advantage of the Atlassian ecosystem.

Reach out to the expert Solution Partners at Valiantys today to unlock the full potential of your cloud migration and accelerate your business transformation.

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