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Jira Boot Camp

Learn the skills needed to tame your Jira instance in this 3-day class designed to teach best practices to both new and experienced admins.

  • Oct.7.2024
9AM – 5PM US/Central  |  $1,295

Attendees practice all of the elements required to create projects that work for teams upon a robust and easy to maintain Jira foundation.

Class outline

  1. Atlassian Products & Users
  2. Jira Walkthrough
  3. Jira Project Structure
  4. Issue Types
  5. Issue Type Schemes
  6. Workflows (Basic)
  7. Workflow Schemes
  8. Basic Fields
  9. Screens
  10. Field Configurations
  11. Permissions & Roles
  12. Notifications
  13. Advanced Workflows
  14. Resolutions
  15. Jira Admin Capstone Exercises
  16. Project Administration
  17. Searching & Filters
  18. Boards
  19. Reports
  20. Dashboards
  21. Additional Optional Topics
    1. Basic roadmaps (Cloud only)
    2. Advanced Roadmaps introduction
    3. Jira Service Management (JSM) introduction
    4. Jira Work Management (JWM) introduction
    5. Assets introduction
    6. Automation for Jira introduction
    7. Our favorite apps
    8. Team-managed projects (Cloud only)
    9. Cloud sandbox setup
    10. Governance
    11. License discounts

This class is publicly taught in both Atlassian cloud and Data Center environments.

Registration closed

Registration for this course is now closed. Please visit our training resources to see what other courses are available.

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