Culture. Diversity. Not mere words, neither meaningless slogans nor trendy buzzwords. Rather an organizational way of life. At Valiantys, we embrace and unapologetically live our cultural diversity.
I am proud to be working for a company where my accent is not made fun of, where my pronunciation has no more value than the meaning of the words I utter.
I am proud to work for an organization where I can wear my ‘Thawb’ or my ‘Hijab’, my ‘Sari’ or my ‘Grand Boubou’ without being asked “what’s the occasion? Why are you wearing a costume?”. I am proud to be working for an organization that is culture intelligent, fostering a sense of inclusivity and belonging where employees feel valued and respected for their unique background. An environment that is conducive to employee engagement and motivation. I am proud!
As we continue to grow and expand into new geographies and regions, we will add a diverse pool of people from various ethnic, religious and cultural backgrounds, each person bringing a different perspective, mindset and approach. Valuing and leveraging these different perspectives will strengthen our position in our ecosystem and help us effectively navigate global business environments.
Yesterday, on the 21st May, the World came together to celebrate “World Day for Cultural Diversity, for Dialogue and Development”, and here at Valiantys, we are celebrating this important event today.
However, for us, it is not a one day “Thang”. It is a shared belief, a conviction, a way of life, celebrated each and every day because we never stand still.