  • Webcast
  • 17.Dez.2020

Towards an efficient governance of your Atlassian tools

Find out with us how to deliver the best user experience, optimize your Atlassian infrastructure and ensure your long-term performance.

  • 17.Dez.2020
  • Lesezeit mins

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  • 28min


  • French


  • Conference


About the session

When deploying Atlassian tools within your company, it’s important to ensure that applications run reliably, in terms of performance and security, and to provide the necessary support, training and documentation to help users. Whether you are using Atlassian at a team, project portfolio, or enterprise level, governance is key to realizing the full potential of your Atlassian investment. Find out with us how to deliver the best user experience, optimize your Atlassian infrastructure and ensure your long-term performance.

About the speaker

Leo Kervizic, Pre-Sales Consultant, Valiantys

Leo has been working for 12 years with Atlassian solutions and for 3 years at Valiantys. As Technical Presales, he accompanies our sales teams with our customers to understand their expectations and propose them the technical solutions meeting their needs.
Certified SPC and ITIL V3 Practitioner, Leo brings his expertise on subjects such as Agility at Scale, ITSM or project management.

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