meeting discussion
  • Webcast
  • 17.Dez.2020

Demystify Agility at Scale

Everything you always wanted to know about agility at scale but were afraid to ask!

  • 17.Dez.2020
  • Lesezeit mins

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  • 38min


  • French


  • Conference


About the session

Everything you always wanted to know about agility at scale but were afraid to ask! This presentation will allow you to clarify the concepts of agility at scale, to better understand what business challenges these modes of operation respond to, what are the main frameworks used and how to launch and guide this type of transformation by addressing the key success factors and the pitfalls to avoid. It will also be an opportunity to share our feedback and answer all your questions.

About the speaker

Didier Bezille – Head of Agile@Scale practice, Inspearit

Didier joined Inspearit 12 years ago. As an expert consultant, he participated in several ambitious transformation programs in France and Belgium for clients such as BNP Paribas, AXA, Fortis, Banque de France, Renault, EDF.

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