KPI growth
  • Whitepaper
  • 1.Sep.2020

Managing Strong Jira and Confluence Growth

How do you manage strong Jira and Confluence growth? Download the Valiantys eBook and learn from the experience of 3 international companies.

  • 1.Sep.2020

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In this guide, you'll discover :

  • How Jira and Confluence were adopted by these companies’ teams
  • The challenges and problems faced by these companies as a result of the spectacular increase in their use of Atlassian tools
  • The solutions implemented to provide a high level of service for their platforms
  • The value provided by the Data Center versions (multi-node clusters) of Jira and Confluence in a strong growth context
  • How to combine high performance, continuous availability of tools, and ease of administration
Jira confluence growth tips

Atlassian Data Center for mission-critical platforms

The 3 companies examined in this eBook all turned to the Data Center versions of Jira and Confluence for:

  • High availability
  • Performance at scale
  • Instant scalability
  • Disaster recovery
  • Flexible deployment
  • SAML 2.0 SSO
  • Archiving
Valiantys Atlassian Platinum Partner

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