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  • Whitepaper
  • 22.Mär.2021

How to address Financial Services challenges and opportunities with Agile methods and tools

  • 22.Mär.2021

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IT Leaders share their Agile experience after a year of COVID

Paysafe Group, Generali Insurance, a European Financial Institution and an Investment Management Company share how they’ve successfully leveraged their experience, expertise, methodology, and tools to ensure that their organizations are continuing to grow.

Do you recognize the industry you work in? How has your business changed over the past year, and what has it meant for delivering value to shareholders?

From Valiantys’ research, many in the financial services industry suddenly find themselves at a place where change is not something that is planned out and executed in the future; change is now the new normal. And, the increasing complexity of business models and the pace of change are foremost in the minds of those who work in the industry. It may seem like cause for concern, yet it only needs to be concerning for those who have not yet taken action to address change. Those who are champions of change can — and do — adapt to any changes by utilizing Agile methodologies and, in many cases, Atlassian tools such as Jira, Confluence, Jira Service Management, etc. And you, how do you address the pace of change?

The best way to accelerate change is to learn from those who have already paved the way. As such, in this Financial Services IT guide, learn from Paysafe Group, Generali Insurance, a European Financial Institution, and an Investment Management Company. Use this document as a benchmark against your own efforts.


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